Straps – Improvers and up

2:30pm – 4pm – Week 1
Space D, central ‘mother truss’, closest to stage – Tutor – Pepe Espinoza

In this class we’ll get to experience the simplicity of the straps but the complexity of the technique. We all think the strength is the most important thing to be able to do straps but we are going to find the balance in between the strength, the flexibility and the balance, in the air and on the floor. We’ll get to find new creative pathways, we’ll work on beats and on spinning technique. Basically, we’ll learn how to have fun while we do straps!

Pre requisites:

– Be able to hold own body weight.
– Can invert and hold a straddle.
– Energy!


Straps – Improvers and up

12 – 1.30pm – Week 2
Space D, central ‘mother truss’, closest to stage – Tutor – Katie Hill

These classes are aimed for those who have basic training in straps or a strong ability in another aerial discipline.

We’ll be working through the fundamentals of straps technique and on core elements, such as side planche, spinning and beating.

There will also be a focus on exploration and play; working with movement, spinning and entanglement.

Please bring Tubo-grip (stretchy bandage) or something to cover your wrists/ ankles if required.

– Be able to hold own body weight.
– Can invert and hold a straddle.


Straps – Skilled and Advanced

10.15am -11.45am – Week 2
Space D, central ‘mother truss’, closest to stage – Tutor – Katie Hill

These classes are aimed at those who are well versed with straps/ loops and are looking to improve/ further their technique to a higher difficulty.

As well as revisiting fundamentals, we’ll be covering technique such as beats, angel roll ups, roll ups and beginning switches (if you can already do these, we’ll be looking at different variations).

There will be a strong focus on exploration and play, working at one and against the natural physics of straps. We’ll also be looking at introducing character work and outside influences to inform the narrative or lack off in your work and creation process.

Please bring Tubo-grip (stretchy bandages) or something to cover your wrists/ ankles if required.

– Meat hooks/ leg lifts
– Existing experience on straps and feel comfortable to start improvising.
– Ability to spin to invert and beats.



Last Updated on May 27, 2024