Suzon Gheur

Suzon Gheur

Suzon was born in Brussels from a mother passionate about moving bodies. As the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, she also grew up embracing the limits of the body and soul.

Suzon graduated from a masters in physical education in 2012 and passed her circus teacher certificate a year later.

She likes being above ground, that’s her thing: she spends less time on earth than she does in the air. During her professional training she flew through Ireland, the US and Spain where she respectively did Vertical Dance, graduated from the Pro-Track program at the New England Centre For Circus Arts, and then from the Formacion Profesional En Artes Circenses Carampa in Madrid.

Today, Suzon has her own company “Cie Breaked”, creates and performs in her own shows, performs for various companies, teaches circus to future educators, …