Gaia Santuccio

Lil Rice

Gaia Santuccio is an aerial rope artist, teacher and movement researcher. Made in Sicily, at the age of 16 she moved to the UkKand lived in many places across Europe since. She is currently based in Budapest.
After her Master studies at DOCH in Contemporary Circus Practices ending in June 2022, she was part of the pilot year directed and led by Roberto Magro, ICCAR – International Circus Centre for Artistic Research. Prior to this she studied Etienne Decroux’ mime technique at Moveo in Barcelona and graduated at Circomedia in Bristol and the National Centre for Circus Arts in London in 2014.

Movement research through knots and sensing is the heart of her creative investigation. Her workshops are designed to encourage participants to develop their styles, words and language through approaches aimed at stimulating thinking through movement and experience rope intimately, for a more conscious and in-depth practice. Her choreographic investigation consists of structured tasks to spur participants to enhance not only the athletic, but most importantly their adaptive skills. At the core of her exploration, there is the equal dialogue among the bodies – animate and inanimate – involved in the process.

Writing, movement, photography, videography, reading and crochet are all parts of her circus practice.

Instagram: gaia.santuccio